
Allows users to take multiple photos within a single photo control on their form and include comments for each captured photo.

Multi Photo

Allow from GallerySpecifies if the user should be allowed to pick a photograph taken previously and stored in their gallery or camera roll.
Annotate ImageSpecifies if the user should be allowd to annotate or sketch over the captured image
Include LocationWhen enabled, will embed any captured location information i.e. long. and lat. etc and store within the EXIF data within the image file. Also physically appends a banner across the bottom of the image with the location written into the bitmap itself.
Min PhotosMinimum number of photos that can be captured
Max PhotosMaximum number of photos that can be captured

In addition, also has the common standard properties


The multi-photo widget allows users to take multiple photos within a single widget as well as including comments for each captured photo.



The Multi Photo control can be found under the Media Capture section of the Form Designer.

Matching the standard Photo control, users will have the option to enable the ability to upload from the device gallery, annotate the captured as well as include location data from within the properties, as well as now being able to specify a Min and Max value for the number of photos that need to be captured.


The Mobile App

From within the WorkMobile2.0 app, mobile users will have the ability to capture or upload multiple photos from within the same control.  Once captured, any required comments can then be added to each photo.

After capturing a photo, the user will be automatically taken to the comments option

Or they can go through the gallery and select the required captured photo they want to add comments to.


Use within the Job Editor

Portal users can also preload jobs with Multi Photo data.

Just as with mobile users, when creating a Job with Multi Photo, portal users will be able to attach several photos at once before entering comments for each photo. These jobs can then be allocated to mobile users who can view or edit the Multi Photo data.


Viewing Completed Records

Once uploaded, portal users can view Multi Photo data in the Completed Records.

Users will be able to open and scroll through the photos using the carousel view. Through this, users can view all captured comments.


Download Data

When downloading form data using the Download Data option available in Completed Records, Multi Photo data will be displayed in the following JSON format


Multi Photo data will also be displayed this way when exporting via the API, WMTool or WMConnect.


How to use within the Report Builder

To view Multi Photo data in a report, users will need to treat the Multi Photo control like a Sub Form and create a separate report to show all the Multi Photo data.

Firstly, after opening Report Builder and logging in, users will need to open their current datasets. In their folder, they will now have an option for Multi Photo Data. Within this option is the dataset needed to base the report on.

Once they have selected this dataset, the user can design how they would like their Multi Photo data to be displayed. Users will have the option to show the imagecomments as well as the file name.

The Multi Photo report will then need to be embedded as a Sub Report in the Main Report. Users can learn how to embed a Sub Report into a Main Report here. Different parameters will be needed for this Sub Report in order to bring through the Multi Photo data.

Identifier will need to be selected in the Name option, and then the name of the Multi Photo control should be selected under the Value option.

Once embedded, the report can be run and will bring through the correct Multi Photo data for the report

Users can make multiple designs to display their Multi Photo data by basing the report on the dataset found in the Multi Photo Data folder. These can then be embedded across a variety of reports.



Multi Photo data can also be displayed within notifications. To show a count of how many images have been captured per Multi Photo control, the control can be referenced within an Email or Report Notification Subject. The same can also be done within an SMS Message.

In order to show images and comments within a notification, simply reference the Multi Control within the Email or Report Notification Body.

When using an HTTP Notification, the Multi Photo data will be automatically displayed using the JSON format found in the Download Data section.

Multi Photo controls can also be used within New Job Notifications, meaning new jobs can include previously captured Multi Photo data.