Adding Sub Form Data to a Report using Sub-Reports

In order to attach sub-form data to your main report you will need to follow the steps below:

In order to add a subreport you will have to create a new report

  • Create the subreport you want to attach
  • Return to your parent report
  • Click Insert from within the top menu and select Subreport from the options that appear

  • Select Subreport from the options that appear
  • Click in the cell within your table where you want to add the subreport
  • Right click on the grey subreport icon that appears
  • Select Subreport Properties

  • From the Subreport Properties box, select the Browse button
  • Find and select the form you want to use as a Subreport
  • Press Open
  • Within the Subreport Properties, select Parameters from the left-hand menu and click Add
  • From the drop-down list under Name, select ParentLinkId
  • From the drop-down list under Value select [UploadId] and click Add
  • From the new drop-down list under Name select Id
  • From the new drop-down list under Value type in 0

  • Click OK

Your subreport has now been added