Creating a Custom Menu Structure

Custom Menu allows you to design a personalised structure for accessing your completed data and utilising various aspects of your WorkMobile account. With pre-configured filters, you can ensure that your team has quick and easy access to the data they need every day, without the hassle of continually refining their searches.



Accessing Custom Menus:

Custom Menus can be accessed through the WorkMobile2 Portal. Simply log in using your current email address and password, the same credentials used for the standard WorkMobile website.



WM2Portal Login.png


Once logged in, your designated Custom Menus will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. The data or pages associated with these menus will open within the main window on the right.




Building a New Custom Menu:

  1. Begin by selecting "Custom Menus" from the left-hand menu on the main WorkMobile dashboard. You can either create a new menu or edit existing ones.
  2. To create a new menu, select "New Custom Menu" from the left-hand menu. This will take you to the menu-building process.


Designing Your Custom Menu:

After choosing to create a new Custom Menu, you'll enter the Menu Design page. Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Custom Menu Name: Provide a unique name for your Custom Menu. This name will be used within the WorkMobile website and will help identify your menus for assigning to users and using within other Custom Menus.
  2. Order: Arrange the items within your Custom Menu in the desired order. You can drag and drop items to achieve your preferred layout.
  3. Name: Enter the name that will be displayed within the Custom Menu on the portal for the respective entry.
  4. Operation: Choose from a variety of functions within the Operation drop-down list that can be used within the portal:
    • Open Menu: Access other Custom Menus you've built.
    • Open View: View pre-configured Filtered Views.
    • Open Form: View Completed Records table for your forms.
    • Open Job Create: Create new jobs on your account.
    • Open Job List: View and filter all jobs on your account.
    • Open Notification History: View and filter your account's Notification History.
    • Open Report: View reports from your account.
    • Open Media Management: View uploaded media items, such as images and drop-down sources.
    • Open External Webpage: Access external webpages directly within the WorkMobile2.0 Portal. (Please note, however, that embedding is subject to the security policies of the respective websites, and some sites may restrict this functionality)
  5. Auto-Refresh: When enabled, it automatically refreshes selected views or lists every two minutes.



Assigning a Custom Menu:

Once you've designed your Custom Menu, you'll need to assign it to user groups via the User Group page. Here's how:

  1. Go to the User Group page through the "User Group" option in the left-hand menu on the main WorkMobile dashboard.
  2. Select the desired User Group to which you want to assign the Custom Menu.
  3. Within the User Group Edit page, find the drop-down labelled "Initial Custom Menu." Choose from the list of Custom Menus you've built on your account.



Remember, if you leave the Initial Custom Menu as the default value ("<None Specified>"), the portal will display default options such as "View Completed Records," "View and Create Jobs," "View Notification History," and "View Media Management" upon login.
