Info Functions

The info function is used to return in-context data within an open form. For example, you may want to populate a text box automatically with the name of the logged in user. To do this you would call the info function, passing in a token to indicate what you'd like returning. So, for example, to return the name of the logged in user:


The info function can accept a range of tokens which are listed below:

""The login name for the current user
"user.firstname"The first name for the current user , from the Mobile User screen
"user.secondname"The second name for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.jobtitle"The job title for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
""The email address for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
""The mobile number for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
""The name of the User Group for the mobile user
"user.address.line1"Address line 1 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.address.line2"Address line 2 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.address.line3"Address line 3 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.address.postcode"The postcode for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
""The town for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.address.county"The county for the current user, from the Mobile User screen
"user.accesstoken"A unique identifier for your current session (this changes each login)
""A unique identifier for this device (for example the IMEI number)
"device.locale"The language and / or region code for the device (for example en-GB, en-US)
"device.platform"The platform of the current device
"app.locale"The language and / or region code for the application
"app.platform"The application platform (for example Java, iPhone etc)
"app.version"The application version number
""The unique WorkMobile number for the current form
""The name for the current form
"Memory"The last value saved on a memory control with the caption "Memory"