The info function is used to return in-context data within an open form. For example, you may want to populate a text box automatically with the name of the logged in user. To do this you would call the info function, passing in a token to indicate what you'd like returning. So, for example, to return the name of the logged in user:
The info function can accept a range of tokens which are listed below:
Token | Returns |
"" | The login name for the current user |
"user.firstname" | The first name for the current user , from the Mobile User screen |
"user.secondname" | The second name for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.jobtitle" | The job title for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"" | The email address for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"" | The mobile number for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"" | The name of the User Group for the mobile user |
"user.address.line1" | Address line 1 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.address.line2" | Address line 2 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.address.line3" | Address line 3 for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.address.postcode" | The postcode for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"" | The town for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.address.county" | The county for the current user, from the Mobile User screen |
"user.accesstoken" | A unique identifier for your current session (this changes each login) |
"" | A unique identifier for this device (for example the IMEI number) |
"device.locale" | The language and / or region code for the device (for example en-GB, en-US) |
"device.platform" | The platform of the current device |
"app.locale" | The language and / or region code for the application |
"app.platform" | The application platform (for example Java, iPhone etc) |
"app.version" | The application version number |
"" | The unique WorkMobile number for the current form |
"" | The name for the current form |
"Memory" | The last value saved on a memory control with the caption "Memory" |