Full List of Commands
Below is the full list of commands support by WMTool.
Command | Description |
addform | Create a new form |
addgroup | Create a user group, optionally set logon form |
addformtogroup | Make a form visible to a user group |
addjobtype | Create a new job type |
addnotification | Create a new notification |
addpost | Add an extended format HTTP POST notification |
allocatejob | Allocate (or re-allocate) a job to a mobile user |
changeusersgroup | Change a mobile user's group |
closejob | Close a job |
csvtransform | Transform a CSV by making it match the column list in the template CSV file |
deallocatejob | Deallocate a job |
describejobtype | Retrieve description for specified jobtype |
deleteform | Delete a form |
deletemedia | Permanently delete media item from account |
deleteuser | Delete a mobile user |
downloadmedia | Download media item contents |
exportform | Export a Form definition as XML |
exportformdata | Display or export form data |
exportjobs | Display or export a list of jobs |
exportjobtype | Export a job type definition as XML |
exportusers | Display or export all mobile user details |
formdata | Download data for a specified form |
help | Display this help |
importjobs | Import jobs for the specified jobtype from CSV |
importjobsmulti | Import jobs of multiple types |
importjobtype | Import a job type, as exported by exportjobtype |
importusers | Import mobile users from a CSV file |
jobdata | Retrieve the data for a job |
jobxmltemplate | Generate an XML template for a job of the given job type |
jobtypeschema | Retrieve the XML schema document for a job type |
listforms | Display or export a list of forms |
listgroups | List mobile user groups |
listmedia | List all media items in the account (attachments, images, lists, etc.) |
listformgroups | List the groups forms are in |
listjobhistory | Display the history for a specified job |
listjobtypes | Display or export a list of job types |
listusers | Display or export a list of mobile users |
makeformnew | Set all IDs to zero - use to make form 'new' or to compare two forms |
makejobs | Download forms and create jobs, where "makejob" is a checked checkbox - data is copied from form to job where captions match |
postmerge | Fix up merged form xml |
purgeform | Purge data by its form and row id |
purgejob | Purge data its job id |
purgecompleted | check if a purge has completed |
removeformfromgroup | Remove form from user group |
samplenotificationxml | Display or send dummy notification XML (extended format) |
setlogonform | Set a mobile user group's logon form |
shred | Permanently delete any data marked as downloaded for a specified form |
showjob | Show details for a single job |
transferform | Transfer IDs from specified form into input (output new form) |
uploaddatabase | Upload data for data-linked dropdown lists(CSV/XML) |
uploadjobmedia | Upload file attachments for jobs |
uploadimage | Upload image files for the image control |
uploadjobxml | Upload job from raw XML (API format) |
validatexml | Validate an XML document against an XSD |
whoami | Get the ID of the user's account |
xmltransform | Apply XSL transformation to the input XML file |