HTTP/Postback Notifications

The postback notification is triggered on completion of a submitted form record and can be configured to send either an XML or JSON packet to a specified listener.

Setting up the Notification

  • Enter the for full URL of your listening service then click Next
  • Next, you can choose the data format:
    • Simple (XML)
      • Does not return sub form data, only the number of rows on any related subforms
    • Extended (XML)
      • Return both the parent row and all sub form data
    • Extended with Unique Name (XML)
      • As above but also includes the unique names field
    • JSON 
      • Works as per Simple (XML)
    • JSON with Sub-Form Data
      • Works as per Extended (XML)

There is also the option to add a Username and Password to the HTTP notification which will then password protect the data when it comes through to your server.

As with other notifications, there is the option to receive a new notification with each new Job Status if the form is attached to a Job Type. This can inform any internal workflow monitoring you may have.

Testing the Notification

Once a form has been completed, check on your internal systems for the data to have come through. This may take a few minutes, depending on your servers and what systems they are informing.