July 2024 Release Notes

Release Date:



Open External Webpage more

This feature allows you to embed external webpages directly within their WorkMobile2.0 portal, providing seamless access to external resources such as PowerBI reports without leaving the portal. 

Bug Fixes:

Introduced new styled pop-ups on the website for a modernised user experience. 

Resolved the issue preventing notifications from being resent to different recipients. 

Updated to accurately remove the sub-form count for purged data. 

Corrected the timestamp format in completed records to exclude seconds and milliseconds. 

Ensured Segment, Photo, Multi Photo, and Audio data are retained when moving away from the Parent form while creating a job. 

Fixed the error occurring when saving a form with an extensibility script. 

Fixed the sorting issue for jobs in the Inbox on the mobile app. 

Addressed the issue where form-captured media, such as photos and signatures, were not displaying within formatted labels on the mobile app.