Getting Started

Before you start interacting with WorkMobile via code, we suggest you explore this API using other methods.

It is possible to get a feel for the API utilising the built in Swagger interface at PostMan and cURL are also useful ways of exploring the API. 

Swagger provides boilerplate examples of cURL requests for you to cut and paste on the command line. Please refer to the cURL documentation and specifically the variances between Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

When you are ready to start coding - you can get a head start on calling the API by converting your cURL requests to application code here

The following articles will give you a good idea of working with the API

  • Authentication
  • Reading from the API
    • Interacting with objects
    • Getting more complex data
    • Retrieving lookup data
  • Updating Mobile Users
  • Interacting with Jobs
  • Using WebHooks rather than Polling